Average Cost of Wedding in America
by: Sarah (over 8 years ago)

Project #1332


The following data set is regarding the average cost of a wedding, the average cost of a wedding dress, and the average number of people invited to the wedding in America organized by location.

As a future bride, this information helps to illuminate potential wedding costs by state, which is especially important if considering an out of state or destination wedding.

Guiding Questions:

-What information can you gather from this information?

-Based on this information, in which state would it be the most cost effective to get married? In which state would it be least cost effective to get married?

-Typically speaking, the cost of a wedding is determined by the number of guests invited to the wedding; meaning you pay a certain price per person. Based on this information are there any calculations that need to be made so that a more effective comparison of costs can be made between states?

-Can you think of any other reasons besides price differentials due to location that would make weddings in certain states more expensive than others?

-Reconfigure the data so it is formatted as a bar graph. Group the data by region. In which region is it most expensive to have a wedding? Why do you think this is the case? In which region would you say it is least expensive to have a wedding? Why?

URL to Original Data Set:



Data Sets
Name Units Type
Average Cost of Wedding
Average Cost of Dress
Average Number of People
Region of United States
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Average Cost of Wedding in America

Project #1332 on iSENSEProject.org


The following data set is regarding the average cost of a wedding, the average cost of a wedding dress, and the average number of people invited to the wedding in America organized by location.

As a future bride, this information helps to illuminate potential wedding costs by state, which is especially important if considering an out of state or destination wedding.

Guiding Questions:

-What information can you gather from this information?

-Based on this information, in which state would it be the most cost effective to get married? In which state would it be least cost effective to get married?

-Typically speaking, the cost of a wedding is determined by the number of guests invited to the wedding; meaning you pay a certain price per person. Based on this information are there any calculations that need to be made so that a more effective comparison of costs can be made between states?

-Can you think of any other reasons besides price differentials due to location that would make weddings in certain states more expensive than others?

-Reconfigure the data so it is formatted as a bar graph. Group the data by region. In which region is it most expensive to have a wedding? Why do you think this is the case? In which region would you say it is least expensive to have a wedding? Why?

URL to Original Data Set:



Name Units Type of Data
Average Cost of Wedding
Average Cost of Dress
Average Number of People
Region of United States

Our Data
Name(s): ______________________________________
Date: _________________________________________

Average Cost of Wedding Average Cost of Dress Average Number of People State Region of United States