Birthplaces of Famous Scientists
by: Susan Santee (over 7 years ago)
Cloned From: Volcano Locations

Project #3261


Students are about to begin researching famous scientists and will be creating projects and reports. Each student will be able to choose which scientist they would like to report on. This iSENSE lesson will familiarize them with the birthplaces of some famous scientists.

Students logged into iSENSE to view the defaulted map. This allowed them to see where different scientists were born. We discussed how different global locations may have impacted a scientist's decision to become involved with specific areas of study.  The children were allowed to explore the map and other features to answer a few simple questions about the visualizations. 

5.C.1.2 Exemplify how the interactions of various groups have resulted in borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology.

List of scientists:

Birthplaces of scientists:

Guiding Questions: Famous Scientists Birthplaces

Investigate the map on iSENSE entitled Birthplaces of Famous Scientists and answer the following questions.

  1. Where were the majority of these six scientists born?

  1. Why do you think almost all of the scientists are from a certain part of the world?

  1. Which scientists was born in Germany?

  1. Which scientist was born in Italy?

  1. Which scientist was born in the United States?

  1. Are any of the scientists born in the same year? Who?

  1. Which scientist was born in 1564?

   8. If more scientists, from the same time periods, were to be listed

on the map. Where do you think they would be located, in North    America or Europe? Explain your thinking.

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Birthplaces of Famous Scientists

Project #3261 on


Students are about to begin researching famous scientists and will be creating projects and reports. Each student will be able to choose which scientist they would like to report on. This iSENSE lesson will familiarize them with the birthplaces of some famous scientists.

Students logged into iSENSE to view the defaulted map. This allowed them to see where different scientists were born. We discussed how different global locations may have impacted a scientist's decision to become involved with specific areas of study.  The children were allowed to explore the map and other features to answer a few simple questions about the visualizations. 

5.C.1.2 Exemplify how the interactions of various groups have resulted in borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology.

List of scientists:

Birthplaces of scientists:

Guiding Questions: Famous Scientists Birthplaces

Investigate the map on iSENSE entitled Birthplaces of Famous Scientists and answer the following questions.

  1. Where were the majority of these six scientists born?

  1. Why do you think almost all of the scientists are from a certain part of the world?

  1. Which scientists was born in Germany?

  1. Which scientist was born in Italy?

  1. Which scientist was born in the United States?

  1. Are any of the scientists born in the same year? Who?

  1. Which scientist was born in 1564?

   8. If more scientists, from the same time periods, were to be listed

on the map. Where do you think they would be located, in North    America or Europe? Explain your thinking.

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Date of Birth

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Name(s): ______________________________________
Date: _________________________________________

Scientists Date of Birth Latitude Longitude