Boiling water on an induction stove
by: Melissa Tobin (over 7 years ago)

Project #3322


    My project investigates the amount of time it takes to boil water on an induction stove.  When my husband and I were redoing our kitchen we had the choice of replacing our electric stove with another electric one, a gas stove, or an induction stove.  In doing our research, we found that induction stoves can boil water in a shorter amount of time then electric and gas stoves. My 10 year old daughter and I decided to investigate this claim with my new Vernier thermometer!  Our data was collected in a pot of water that was  boiled to make Annie's Mac and Cheese.  Temperature data was collected once a second until the water was visually boiling.  The data was then imported into iSense and graphed as Temp (degrees C) vs. Time (seconds).

Guiding questions:  
1. What was the starting temperature of the water in the pot ?  

2. At what temperature did the water begin to boil? 

3. The general consensus is that it takes about 20 minutes for water to boil on an electric or gas stove.  How long did it take (in minutes) for the water to boil on an induction stove? Was it more or less time than on an electric or gas stove? 

4. Why did the line remain steady at the boiling temperature?  

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Boiling water on an induction stove

Project #3322 on


    My project investigates the amount of time it takes to boil water on an induction stove.  When my husband and I were redoing our kitchen we had the choice of replacing our electric stove with another electric one, a gas stove, or an induction stove.  In doing our research, we found that induction stoves can boil water in a shorter amount of time then electric and gas stoves. My 10 year old daughter and I decided to investigate this claim with my new Vernier thermometer!  Our data was collected in a pot of water that was  boiled to make Annie's Mac and Cheese.  Temperature data was collected once a second until the water was visually boiling.  The data was then imported into iSense and graphed as Temp (degrees C) vs. Time (seconds).

Guiding questions:  
1. What was the starting temperature of the water in the pot ?  

2. At what temperature did the water begin to boil? 

3. The general consensus is that it takes about 20 minutes for water to boil on an electric or gas stove.  How long did it take (in minutes) for the water to boil on an induction stove? Was it more or less time than on an electric or gas stove? 

4. Why did the line remain steady at the boiling temperature?  

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Name(s): ______________________________________
Date: _________________________________________

Time(sec) Temperature(°C)