Prof. Sena is currently teaching at MassBay Community College (MBCC)
(Wellesley Hills, MA) in the areas of computer networks, databases, web
technologies, and interactive multimedia.
In addition to his teaching workload, Prof.
Sena has been working on several multidisciplinary projects involving
students and faculty from the Computer Science and Biotechnology
departments at MBCC. His group is doing research in the areas of
parallel & distributed systems, network security, Big Data, cloud
computing, encryption/decryption, signal & image processing, and DNA
Mr. Sena
received a M.S. in Computer Science from Northeastern University (NEU)
(Boston, MA, 1997), and a M.S. degree in Earth Sciences (Applied
Computer Science) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
(Cambridge, MA, 1995). He obtained a B.S. (summa cum laude) in Computer
Science from the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela,
1990). He has worked as a consultant in the area of networking,
Internet and Web technologies, and LDAP (Directory Services). He has
also worked in industry as a Software Developer, Network Engineer &
Consultant, and Network & System Administrator.
Research Affiliations:
Center for Computer Machine/Human Intelligence Networking and Distributed Systems (CMINDS), University of Massachusetts (Lowell, MA).